Portent (2024)

Keywords are a seemingly inescapable aspect of the SEO world. SEO professionals (myself included) encourage clients to focus on more meaningful metrics besides the humble keyword ranking, but the fact remains that ranking well in Google for keywords with significant search volume will (usually) result in traffic to your site.

Of course, keeping track of keywords isn’t free. Whether you spend your time manually checking rankings or your money on a keyword rank tracking solution, you have to limit how many keywords you track per page and per website. So, that begs the question, “how many keywords should you track?”

Are you ready for this one? It wouldn’t be an SEO article if it didn’t have the following sentence:

“It depends.”

Start With Keyword Research

Unfortunately, keywords don’t materialize out of thin air or come to us in a vision. Even more, you can’t just assume you know what keywords people use to search and what you should be ranking for. That’s why you should always start with keyword research.

There’s plenty of information out there on how to perform keyword research successfully, but I’ll outline some of my preferred steps and best practices below.

Which Pages Rank for What?

I’m not the first Portentite to recommend starting keyword research by looking at what you already rank for. I like to go straight to Google Search Console (GSC) as soon as I get my hands on it. Despite the evidence that Search Console data is quite unreliable, it does come straight from the search giant itself, so we can’t ignore it.

Hop into your site’s GSC Performance section to see a table of queries that domain ranks for.

Portent (1)

Conveniently, this section defaults to show which queries got your site the most clicks over the past three months. This gives you a great idea of what Google thinks your site deserves to rank for and, if you click the Pages tab, which pages are ranking.

From this starting point, go forth and research keywords! Again, I’m not going to break down that process in this post, but I can point you to a couple of great resources we already created. Portent’s Founder, Ian Lurie, wrote this timeless guide fordoing keyword research that doesn’t suck. Want more help with Search Console? How about a walkthrough from former Portentite George Freitag? Finally, check out this post on how to take your keyword research to the next level.

Choose Landing Pages

Once you’ve identified the keywords you want to rank highly for, assign them to appropriate landing pages. In all likelihood, you will have already identified your target pages while performing the keyword research.

The number of target organic landing pages will directly influence the answer to our main question about the appropriate number of keywords to track.

How Many Keywords Should You Track?

You’ve decided which of your pages you want to optimize as organic landing pages, but how many keywords should you optimize each page for?

Aim for one to four keywords around a single topic per page. Use those keywords and their reworded variations in your content and header tags. It’s easier for pages to rank if they focus on one topic because there is limited space in the title and meta description tags, and you won’t be able to fit all of them. With a range of keywords per page determined, we can estimate how many keywords we’ll track.

  1. Take the number of organic landing pages you’ve chosen
  2. Multiply that number by the range of keywords per page (1-4) to get your range, or
  3. Multiply the number of organic landing pages by 2.5, the average of the range.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a services site with five unique offerings and three blog posts that you want to target as landing pages. Between these pages and your homepage, you should expect to track 9-36 or about 22 keywords on average.

Of course, rules of thumb are meant to be broken. We work with a manufacturing client that offers ten unique manufacturing products. Without including their blog-focused keywords, we’re tracking 62 keywords for their site.

Other sites might not be as cut and dried. We’ve worked with a major news publishing site that often ranks 1st for extremely high-volume keywords due to its backlink profile and industry authority. We actively track over 200 keywords for them, most of which don’t directly correspond to a static landing page such as a product or service page.

Or, if you’re dealing with a site for a 20-year-old digital marketing agency run by some of the biggest nerds in the industry, you might end up with nearly 500 keywords on your tracking list so you can keep an eye on all the various blog posts you’ve published over the years.

How To Track Keyword Rankings

Although I did mention it as a possibility, you’re probably not going to want to manually track keyword rankings by doing a Google search every day (from the same machine, using a private browsing window, at the same time of day, etc.) and looking for your site.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for keyword tracking.


This robust tool allows you to set up keyword tracking for desktop and mobile, specific locations, different languages, and tons of other features. They also archive HTML snapshots of the SERPs for the keywords you track so you can see how your site and your competitors showed up in Google results.

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Another favorite of ours is Ahrefs, a true Swiss army knife for digital marketers. Rather than specifying which keywords you’d like to actively track, Ahrefs updates daily with all keywords that your tracked sites rank for. You may not be able to keep tabs on that ambitious keyword you’d like to rank for but never have, but it’s still incredibly comprehensive.

Google Search Console

This is a great free option, but you get what you pay for. We already saw how you can use Search Console to identify what you’re already ranking for in Google search. However, the platform only shows your average ranking for a given keyword over a period of time. That means if you spent weeks ranking 80th for a term but suddenly jumped to 2nd, your 28-day average ranking will be in the 70s.

There are, of course, dozens of options out there; these are just the few that I recommend.

What to Watch for in Rank tracking

You’ve done your keyword research, assigned terms to target landing pages, and signed up for a monthly subscription to your tool of choice… so now what? Should you sweat over every movement in the rankings, no matter how small? (No.) Should you be worried if all the keywords a single page ranks for plummet 50 positions? (Probably.)

The easiest way to stay on top of your rank changes and have peace of mind for your site(s) is to set up position change alerts. For example, STAT allows you to create custom alerts based on position movement. My most used alert is “If the number of keywords in the top ten falls by 5%”. The difference between a first- and second-page result is significant.

Still, alerts aren’t going to catch everything. We SEO practitioners here at Portent check in on our clients’ keyword rankings at least once a week, making sure nothing has fallen precipitously and celebrating with our clients when we see a huge win.

Of course, fluctuations are to be expected. Google is notoriously capricious, and you may find your rankings undergoing a single-day jump or a back-and-forth oscillation.

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Find Your Goldilocks Number

I’ve given you a framework for estimating how many keywords to track, but anyone in digital marketing can tell you that our rules aren’t so much set in stone as they are written in chalk until someone comes along and hoses down the sidewalk.

You may find that you prefer to track far more or far fewer keywords than I’m recommending. Maybe you don’t bother tracking rankings at all! As long as the tracking that you do is valuable to you and your client, the exact number doesn’t matter.

Portent (2024)


Does Portent affect advantage? ›

Basically: the Portent die is the one that gets used without regard for what was actually rolled. This means it overrides advantage, disadvantage, Luck feat, Elven Accuracy feat, and similar effects.

What is the Portent before the roll? ›

So, to quickly explain it, Portent allows the Divination Wizard to, after a long rest, roll two d20s, and record what the results of those rolls were (no modifiers).

How does Portent work? ›

Portent is a Divination School Wizard feature that offers you glimpses into the future. You gain two random Portent Dice that you can use as a Reaction to substitute into Attack Rolls and Saving Throws rolled in range.

Do modifiers apply to Portent? ›

Including modifiers. You can hover your mouse over her roll to see the actual die rolls. The portent die of 11 is the actual d20. Then you need to add in modifiers on top of that 11.

How many times can you use Portent? ›

It's also worth remembering that your Diviner only has a few portents (3 at most) and can only use each once.

Does Portent override legendary resistance? ›

No. Legendary Resistance means they automatically succeed the saving throw, there is no dice involved. So there's nothing that can be changed with Portent.

Can you use Lucky on Portent rolls? ›

So you can use Lucky or Portent, but not both. RAW: Portent works on dice rolled before the outcome is decided. You don't need Lucky to “force” a foretelling number on any dice roll your “character sees”. The lucky feat works in the same way but simply forces a reroll instead of a set number.

Can you use Portent after a roll? ›

The key phrase here is "before the roll." This means that the Divination Wizard can use the Portent ability after the d20 is rolled but before the outcome is determined.

What does Portent mean in the Bible? ›

: something that foreshadows a coming event : omen, sign. 2. : prophetic indication or significance. 3.

Does Silvery Barbs work on Portent? ›

Player uses portent a saving throw to pass. Enemy has silvery barbs, can they use it on that same roll to force the player to reroll? My understanding is yes, since you're still making a roll, just using a pre-emptively rolled result.

What does Portent of things to come mean? ›

A portent is something that indicates what is likely to happen in the future. [formal] The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region. Synonyms: omen, sign, warning, threat More Synonyms of portent. Synonyms of.

What is a divine Portent? ›

Are phenomena seen as indicating the future, which are generally believed to be of divine origin. Such signs often occur spontaneously, although they may be sought.

How many times can you use portent 5e? ›

You can only portent a die roll *before* the roll, when the result is not yet known. Once it has been portented, the die is effectively rolled and the result is known, so you can no longer apply another portent to it. The first portent counts, and that's that.

Do you add bonuses to portent rolls? ›

It says it replaces the roll. Not any modifiers to the roll. So you still get to add any modifiers to the roll. Non-binding Sage Advice concurrence : “The portent die is intended to replace a d20 roll only, not any modifiers applied to it.”

Does portent replace modifiers? ›

Rules Notes: 1) As I understand RAW, Portent only substitutes the die roll. So, any modifiers still get applied to it.

Does advantage and disadvantage stack? ›

What is Stacked Advantage anyway? Under regular advantage, if you roll with multiple sources of advantage or disadvantage, you get only one extra d20. If you roll with any combination of advantage and disadvantage, you roll a flat roll.

How does luck work with disadvantage 5e? ›

It just adds another die into the mix, which you can choose to use instead of either die from the advantaged or disadvantaged roll. You can then use that die in place of the result that would have happened (high die for advantage, low die for disadvantage).

How powerful is advantage 5e? ›

The simplest takeaway is that with Advantage, the expected value is a little more than 3 greater than a standard d20 roll. This is our quick answer to the question “how much of a bonus does Advantage give?” The more complex effects of Advantage, though, are perhaps more interesting.

Do you get advantage on incapacitated creatures? ›

A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (see the condition) and can't move or speak. The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.