4 diferencias entre un iPhone y un smartphone (2024)

Smartphone es el nombre genérico que se da en inglés a los llamados ‘teléfonos inteligentes’. Dentro de esa categoría podemos encontrar diferentes marcas, entre ellas, iPhone, el modelo de teléfono móvil inteligente de la compañía Apple

Como cualquier otro teléfono inteligente y táctil, iPhone comparte muchas de sus características con el resto de marcas de smartphones pero también existen notables diferencias. Conócelas a continuación.

Principales diferencias entre iPhone y smartphone

Como decimos, iPhone es el modelo de teléfono inteligente de Apple, lo que quiere decir que solamente esta marca lo comercializa. Lo hace desde el año 2007 y, desde entonces, la compañía ha puesto en el mercado nuevos modelos al menos una vez al año.

¿En qué se diferencia un iPhone de un smartphone? Veamos:

  1. Smartphone es el nombre genérico de los teléfonos inteligentes, mientras que iPhone es una marca específica. Sería como hablar de yogures y de Danone.
  2. El sistema operativo de iPhone es iOS, el cual desarrolla Apple. Pero los smartphones pueden funcionar con cualquier sistema operativo. Es la marca la que elige cuál. La mayoría usan Android.
  3. Apple tiende a proponer sus propias conexiones, por lo que recargar la batería o escuchar a través de unos auriculares está limitado a la propia marca Apple.
  4. El único fabricante de iPhone es Apple, pero fabricantes de smartphones hay muchísimos, de todas las marcas de teléfonos móviles.

Una vez vistas las principales diferencias entre un iPhone y un smartphone, podemos concluir que un concepto engloba al otro y que podríamos hablar de ‘exclusividad’ como la principal característica de los teléfonos móviles inteligentes y táctiles de Apple.

Qué debes tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir uno u otro

Por lo general, todos los teléfonos inteligentes tienen una pantalla táctil, una cámara de fotos, conexión a internet… Como has visto, un smartphone cualquiera es más ‘universal’ a la hora de hablar de compatibilidad con otros dispositivos que un iPhone, que por lo general ofrece mejores prestaciones con otros productos de la marca Apple.

Esa diferenciación de marca es muy atractiva para muchos usuarios porque digamos que les da un plus de calidad. Pero eso también se ve reflejado en el precio de los dispositivos.

¿Cuál es mejor: iPhone o smartphone? En cuanto a calidad, hay marcas que han mejorado mucho sus prestaciones en los últimos años y que emplean la última tecnología en sus teléfonos inteligentes. Eso quiere decir que, si te fijas en la relación calidad-precio, es probable que te interese un smartphone de otra marca.

con iPhone pagas unas prestaciones extra que no encontrarás en otros smartphones. Pero también has de tener en cuenta que tendrás que añadir desembolsos adicionales en la marca Apple para tener un cargador o unos auriculares compatibles o incluso ciertos servicios que con Android, por ejemplo, no tienes que pagar aparte.

compares las prestaciones de uno y otro teléfono y pongas en una balanza las ventajas que te ofrecen uno y otro antes de tomar una decisión a la ligera. Y si ya has adquirido un nuevo terminal y necesitas la mejor de las coberturas calidad/precio en la Provincia de Granada, consulta nuestras tarifas de telefonía móvil y cuéntanos si te has decidido al final por un iphone o no con las recomendaciones que te hemos dejado.

4 diferencias entre un iPhone y un smartphone (2024)


What is the difference between iPhones and smartphones? ›

the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone is like the difference between a car and a Porsche. the iPhone is a specific series of smartphones made by Apple. every smartphone made by Apple is an iPhone, every smartphone that isn't made by Apple is not an iPhone.

How is iPhone different from other phones? ›

iPhones are famous for their privacy and security systems. They offer security features like facial or fingerprint authentication to protect your personal information. The iPhone even stops apps from tracking your activity online because of a limited OS and platform.

Why iPhone is better than smartphone? ›

One thing that iPhones are famous for is their privacy and security. It offers a range of security features, including facial recognition and finger authentication. In addition, Apple stops apps from tracking your location and data. iPhones' iMessage and FaceTime video calling features are also end-to-end encrypted.

What is the difference between iPhone and Android? ›

Android allows for extensive customization of the user interface, while iOS offers a more uniform and streamlined experience. Choose based on your desire for personalization. App Availability: Check the availability of the apps you regularly use on both platforms.

What are the differences between phones and smartphones? ›

A cellphone is simply a telephone that doesn't need a landline connection. Users can make and receive phone calls, and some cellphones also offer text messaging. A smartphone has more advanced features, including web browsing, software applications and a mobile OS.

What is the difference between smartphone and mobile? ›

A mobile phone and a smartphone are both mobile devices which you can use to call and text. The options for a mobile phone mainly end there, apart from the models that have a camera. A smartphone has all sorts of extra functions, like internet access, the option to download apps, and a better camera.

What made the iPhone different? ›

Operating System: iPhones run on Apple's proprietary operating system, iOS. This operating system is known for its user-friendly interface, security features, and seamless integration with other Apple devices and services.

What are some of the differences between iPhone users and Android users? ›

However, iOS users spend more on clothing, cosmetics and even tech products as compared to Android users. Android users give more preference to apps belonging to the utility, performance, media, productivity, and other similar categories. They will spend more than iOS users on apps belonging to these categories.

What is different about iPhone? ›

The Operating System is THE difference between iphone and other cellphones. Iphones operate on an Apple iOS which is more secure but not an open source OS like Android OS which is being operated by mostly every other smartphone!

What phone does Elon Musk use? ›

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known to be a regular iPhone user [3]. In his biography, it is mentioned that he uses an iPhone [3].

What are the disadvantages of iPhones? ›

Cons of Apple iPhones:
  • High Cost: iPhones are generally more expensive than many Android alternatives, making them less accessible to budget-conscious consumers.
  • Limited Customization: iOS offers less customization compared to Android, restricting users in terms of personalization options.
Feb 9, 2023

Why choose iPhone over Android? ›

The company positions iPhone as a more secure option than an Android phone; because Apple's iOS isn't open source like Android, it has more control over the iPhone and the apps and ecosystem features around it. The iPhone 15 series hardware is fantastic.

What is better between iPhone and Android? ›

Though Android may be ahead in terms of numbers of users, Google has clearly seen that Apple is leading the way in terms of a more premium, refined hardware experience, and the Pixel series is Google's answer.

Why do people prefer iPhone? ›

One of the main reasons why millions of users prefer iPhones is that they're very user-friendly. All of the features of an iPhone have been painstakingly designed for ease of use. With only one button and a touchscreen, users can easily access all of the many features of an iPhone.

What is safer iPhone or Android? ›

security. While iOS may be considered more secure, it's not impossible for cybercriminals to hit iPhones or iPads with malicious software. Because of this, the owners of both Android and iOS devices need to be aware of possible malware and viruses, and be careful when downloading apps from third-party app stores.

Is iPhone better than other smartphones? ›

The debate for iPhone vs Android doesn't have an overall winner. While Android wins in variety and productivity, the iPhone is a better buy for video creators and MacBook users. On one hand there's cutting edge tech with foldables running Android, on the other there's a reliable bet with the iPhones running iOS.

Are iPhones called smartphones? ›

A smartphone (often simply called a phone) is a mobile device that combines the functionality of a traditional mobile phone with advanced computing capabilities.

Which phone is more user friendly iPhone or Android? ›

If you value an easy to use and good smartphone for basic use, an iPhone is the obvious choice.

Is an Android an iPhone or a smartphone? ›

The short answer is no, the iPhone is not an Android phone (or vice versa). While they are both smartphones — that is, phones that can run apps and connect to the Internet, as well as make calls — iPhone and Android are distinct things and they are not compatible with each other.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.