20 Backhanded Compliments to Make You LOL (2024)

We all know what it feels like to receive a backhanded compliment. First, there’s the initial sense of pride over receiving a compliment… until we realize the true meaning of the words and the wind goes out of our sails.

Confused, we think to ourselves “Did they mean to say that? Are they trying to be nice? Wait… was that an insult?” And we might respond with a simple, “Thank you,” and change the subject quickly, just to keep things from getting too awkward. Ooof… cringey, right?

Backhanded compliments aren’t really compliments at all. In fact, they’re insults in disguise. While we don’t recommend being that person who really gives backhanded compliments to your friends and family, we think there are some cloaked insults that are actually pretty funny.

We’ve put together a list of our favorite not-so-complimentary compliments that are hilarious to display on your letter board. We suggest using these in your bedroom, kitchen, or office… somewhere that you can read them and laugh. Afterall, you’ve got to keep yourself humble!

Backhanded Compliments

1I always feel more intelligent after reading your work.
2It’s really difficult to underestimate you.
3Your haircut makes your nose look smaller.
4You look really nice in this light.
5That’s a beautiful photo of you. I didn’t recognize you at first.
6You’re not as dumb as you look.
7I love how you just don’t care what anyone thinks of you.
8I don’t care what others say about you. You’re alright in my book.
9Your Instagram makes you seem so fun!
10I didn’t expect you to get the job - Congratulations!
11I wish I was as relaxed as you are about messiness.
12You’re so charming when you make an effort.
13Those earrings are so nice. My grandma would love them.
14Your house feels so cozy and lived in.
15Well, that’s a level of incompetence I’ve never seen before.
16You’re pretty… on the inside.
17That’s not the ugliest shirt I’ve seen you wear.
18You might not be the prettiest, but you’re definitely the funniest!
19You clean up nice.
20You’re smarter than two dumb guys.

20 Backhanded Compliments to Make You LOL (5)

In addition to letter board quotes, we think this backhanded compliment coffee mug is the perfect (sort of) nice way to start your day. And if your sense of humor is a little off-beat, check out our blog post 15 Snarky and Sarcastic Quote Ideas to Keep Things Sassy.

NeedReal Compliments Instead?

Do you prefer to give a *real* compliment to someone you truly admire? These compliment cards are so cute and the perfect way to spread more positivity in your daily life. Plus, here are 11 Letter Board Quote Ideas that Uplift and Inspire to counteract all of the snarkiness!

20 Backhanded Compliments to Make You LOL (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.